Tuesday 5 June 2012

LuCky to know him~

sure salam and hye peeps..!!!~ armm yup it seems like a donkey years not update something here right? hahah kay back to da title, plizz kowang mesti tertanye and who is he? kay let me err, heart intro plizz.. can i?

--> Firdaus Aqasha Qausar Qushairie name was given, *yummy right? hahah dgar name un dah telan air liur right?? but..but.... most popular in fb ngan Aiman JOhanness....
--> 15 Ogos 95 date was taken....  thats mean he already OLD than me though one years je.. ahhaha

kay enough abot him. taleh bnyak2, ti adew yg menggedik obses kat dye plk.. hahah LOL mane bole dye da adew awek lar * ehh sal awek uhh ite keep dlu, karang spoil mood plk.. haha kay back to story, aq unn terkejut gile bile tngok someone tetiba je Post at wall aq, n said ''......(ta ingat) chumil......'' hey he col me comel, pew ag bile tngok dp dye.. wahhperggghhhh wa kate lu, mane nak dapat dohh bdak HOT + ENCEM tgur aq.. hahha bagaikan mimpi ape.. allallalalallala~ then mula arr heart intro bagai berkenalan.. lbih kurang camm uhh ar.. cun ta? err tapi an yg wat aq spoil mood sikit bile stalk fb dye dah ''IN RELATIONSHIP'' wahhh *nanges + sedut hingus, huk huk...  so aq cool.. cam besa, aq an bdak chumil yang pandai respect, so aq juz coll him abg and anggap dye as abg lar!! hahhah kaw ado? wengg.... seyesly law pompuan jumpe laki sape yg ta terNIAT  nak try ann.. hahha tapi aq telan je niat.. plizz baru NIAT je, jgn salah pham.. hahaha.. so till now dye layan aq cam seowang adik lar.. yg bgus nye ngan prangai setan aq, aq kan suke manje2 nan owg, wat2 chumil *tuhh kan hobi aq.. so mohon mane2 pihak ta salah pham okey.. hehehe chill aje... err~~~

 --> now ape? haha simple aje nak agi taw, he just most ENCEM, GEDIK, SIOT, suke USIK aq, n teramat JIWANG and  LOYAL  gilew2 kat awek nya * mane nak cari pakwe cam uhh kan, untong si awek (AINA).. and at last ta lupe his KINDNESS most aperciate and waa tabik gila lar kan.. huhuhu
--> kay brita buruk tok smua pompuan, dye dah ade awek kay.. cun lagi.. hahhaa her name is AINA... agak nye lar.. (.___.') hehehhe... so smua ayat melepas je yg kuar.. hahahhhaha btw yg untong teramat, abg daus nie cinta kan AINA, cun muga kowang berbahagia.. ehehhe :D *ending pasrah...~

Kay guys, maaf juz itu aje.. heheh late dah kot. tired larr LOL, so juz enjoyed.. all abot HIM >_<

see, i have told u, juz AINA  in his heart.. hahah najwa doakan kowang bahagia and kekal selamanya.. amin <3