Friday 10 February 2012

all about MR CAPITAL ''L''

hye and salam peeper.. yeahh we meet again...!!! hurmm i though u all da bace da past post right, ''aku, engkau dan dye...''... hahha ini continued nya... so thats mean korang interst nan stolly molly abot CAPITAL L is't right??? hahahha yup.. thankz korang... so, ape agi... --->

heartz intro iz : CAPITAL L,  who'is check out on 1995, tried to be smart at High Skul Klang, sweetz tall, chubby and most encem...


thiz iz all about u Capital L,  firstly aq minta maaf sngat if aq da hurt ur heart.. yup, being selfish gurlz iz da bad thing that i had made...!!! ermm kat cni sbenarnye aq juz nak ngaku yg kehadiran  kau, capital L  sngat lar bermakna.. aq btoi2 minta maaf bab pernah jauh ann diri dai ko dlu... hemm yup, i ma fag and fu*k girlz... yeahh meyh 10 february of 2012 is meaningful to me, end with him without him, but began with u is u... (broken sentence)... haa oke lar berjela aq pokpek.. still ta pham.. sbenarnye aq da taruh hati lame unn kat capital L nie.. cume aq juz sedar yg care dye layan aq ta tumpah seolah2 dye ngah lyan adik dye... so, aq juz bole pendam and enjoyed dilayan begitu... (terase diri ku bermakna bab ade owg yg care for me)... so smalam aq da clash nan dye yg btoi2 wat aq buta nan cinta... trus aq col capital L  tok mengadu nasib and luah kan segala galanye... sape lar pham and thu benda yg tersirat di sebalik COLLING tuh kan, include u capital L.... humm dai smalam aq cube nak take him as my new boyfie... tpi aq malu nan diri aq...!!! mybe aq nie ta sedar diri and terserlah sngat Sellfish  aq tuh.. bab aq bru aje nak col dye, and time aq nan mamat dlu.. aq tros ta pedulikan dye... pompuan jeniz ape aq nie??? (sekali agi aq akn gune ayat nie) ~ Aq bagaikan pengemiz buta yg terabe rabe~ ... humm so motif post aq kali nie, aq juz nk bgi taw (kalo dye bace) yg malam tuhh aq col sbenarnye untok aq luah kan kat dye yg aq sayang dye, aq cinta dye and nak dye jadi milik aq seowg aje... maaf lar, aq ta pandai nak luah kat ko, bab aq terase yg diri aq nie btol2 sial and lansung ta bermakne unn.. humm..  T__T  fucking end ~~~

so, itu aje lar dai aq... dgan harapan satu hari nanti aq dpat wat relation betol2 nan capital L  n sincerely hope yg, aq akn terdengar lamaran ko, juga satu hari nanti... aq just bersabar and wait that word out from ur sexy lipz... ''wawa, bole ite capel x??? and bole wawa jadi awek (capital L) ..... yeaa najwa tggu.. w'salam...

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