Sunday 18 March 2012

mane lar najwa tahu hari nie..... hurmm (.__.'')

salam peeper, yup manew lar hari nie aq tahu .... urmmm --->

pagi2 aq angun subuh nan mood epy, sal niat dlam hati dapat ponteng kelaz Bm (pergi ke pKG tok anugerah NILAM)... angun je terus amik wuduk n ade terniat, muga ari nie ari paling baik wat diri aq...ea, i got it... alhamdulillah ari nie smua best, tak payah hadapi kelaz Bm, met old frenz, dapat makan manyak then markah exam aq gempak gak.. haa.. tapi bile balik jew dari skola... huumm??? :'(
sumpah ai nie sedey, ntah lar... aq dapat tex yg mybe ta best tok aq.. aq dah taw pasal uhh lame, tapi tak taw plk bole syes smpai cam uhh skali.. LOL.... kan da ta best.. then time malam aq (now) aq rase cam something agi fag tok aq... SAYANG... where are u???? hemmm ta tex beby unn yunk? lonely without u......

ea, aq taw... nie len ta bukan ade poblem arr nie.... syg. owg taw... smua masalah ite berpunca daripada my ownself.. kejam kan owg? hermm seyesly i seek for ur apologize.. pliz forgive me.. and wanna say, i miss u Muhammad Lutfie... i know, sepanjang ite coup, seyesly bnyak ujian yg cyg wat tok beby kan? i can feel it honey... trust me, i am the loyal one... humm then for sure gak, syg bnyak bengang nan owg kan? owg taw tuhh... but u should understand,... it juz something like ''dugaan'' that we need face together with a huge patient in our heart... hemm k, Fullstop.. moody... >_< sorry kuwrang... daa~ beby tggu tex syg aw.. waiting for u syunk........................................~

sayunk, ermm i ma cried bcouse of choosing someone valaue within u or him.... but now i still with my own dilema that... ''am i right?'' or ''will him love me full of his heart''... and da... ''can i trust him when face abot LOVE?'' arghhhhh all of it just harassing me~  humm.. but deep in my heart i sincerely hope that u can give and i ma waiting ur TRUTH LOVE sayang....................~

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