Tuesday 5 June 2012

LuCky to know him~

sure salam and hye peeps..!!!~ armm yup it seems like a donkey years not update something here right? hahah kay back to da title, plizz kowang mesti tertanye and who is he? kay let me err, heart intro plizz.. can i?

--> Firdaus Aqasha Qausar Qushairie name was given, *yummy right? hahah dgar name un dah telan air liur right?? but..but.... most popular in fb ngan Aiman JOhanness....
--> 15 Ogos 95 date was taken....  thats mean he already OLD than me though one years je.. ahhaha

kay enough abot him. taleh bnyak2, ti adew yg menggedik obses kat dye plk.. hahah LOL mane bole dye da adew awek lar * ehh sal awek uhh ite keep dlu, karang spoil mood plk.. haha kay back to story, aq unn terkejut gile bile tngok someone tetiba je Post at wall aq, n said ''......(ta ingat) chumil......'' hey he col me comel, pew ag bile tngok dp dye.. wahhperggghhhh wa kate lu, mane nak dapat dohh bdak HOT + ENCEM tgur aq.. hahha bagaikan mimpi ape.. allallalalallala~ then mula arr heart intro bagai berkenalan.. lbih kurang camm uhh ar.. cun ta? err tapi an yg wat aq spoil mood sikit bile stalk fb dye dah ''IN RELATIONSHIP'' wahhh *nanges + sedut hingus, huk huk...  so aq cool.. cam besa, aq an bdak chumil yang pandai respect, so aq juz coll him abg and anggap dye as abg lar!! hahhah kaw ado? wengg.... seyesly law pompuan jumpe laki sape yg ta terNIAT  nak try ann.. hahha tapi aq telan je niat.. plizz baru NIAT je, jgn salah pham.. hahaha.. so till now dye layan aq cam seowang adik lar.. yg bgus nye ngan prangai setan aq, aq kan suke manje2 nan owg, wat2 chumil *tuhh kan hobi aq.. so mohon mane2 pihak ta salah pham okey.. hehehe chill aje... err~~~

 --> now ape? haha simple aje nak agi taw, he just most ENCEM, GEDIK, SIOT, suke USIK aq, n teramat JIWANG and  LOYAL  gilew2 kat awek nya * mane nak cari pakwe cam uhh kan, untong si awek (AINA).. and at last ta lupe his KINDNESS most aperciate and waa tabik gila lar kan.. huhuhu
--> kay brita buruk tok smua pompuan, dye dah ade awek kay.. cun lagi.. hahhaa her name is AINA... agak nye lar.. (.___.') hehehhe... so smua ayat melepas je yg kuar.. hahahhhaha btw yg untong teramat, abg daus nie cinta kan AINA, cun muga kowang berbahagia.. ehehhe :D *ending pasrah...~

Kay guys, maaf juz itu aje.. heheh late dah kot. tired larr LOL, so juz enjoyed.. all abot HIM >_<

see, i have told u, juz AINA  in his heart.. hahah najwa doakan kowang bahagia and kekal selamanya.. amin <3

Thursday 10 May 2012

they???? ~ mr. mysterious..~~~

salam peeps.. yup nothing to say. just hye...!!~ err lame ta blogging an? haaa lame btoi aq take time tok ubat kan hati yg sakit uhh.. btw skrg dah unn terase tenang sikit but a bit weird in my life when i be as a SINGLE gurl.. huk3.. now i am in dilema.. nape laaa smua yg aq jumpa dah berpunya? ohh my  a big weird...--' ahhaha k lahh for those title meaning of someone that i have seen n known them in fBOOK. hukk sorry i cant mention their name tapi kowang bole agak kot..
actually ade 3 owg. hahah tapi mybe yg dua owg uhh da bole Blacklist kot..

 err... urmm k abot yg pertame random pefect and dah ade awek nye pon.. but he iss too kind with me.. everyday we're s~~~ .. huhu so cancel je niat uhh.. then the second one pon gile perfect, hukk mybe he is  abig weird.. arr but dye unn da adew relay nan someone but bile ditnye dye akn jwab yg dye uhh single. huahhaha.  kowang ase aq ade chance?? ahhah not at all... dye sedang menunggu seseowg gak.. (same je cam aq) hahah so aq pon cancel gak niat di hati nie. ewahh!!~ heheh then yg last uhh ermm tah lar,, aq berbelah bagi kot. ahhah mybe faktor ILMU buat aq rase kurang cikit nan dye. hahah maaf, aq kan suke  Memilih... hhhehe.. but aq still bole trima dye kot,.. cume.. cume. humm bru2 nie.. aq tngok dye ade wat relation nan some one. pon aq rase trkilan tapi bile ditnye fake aje upe nya... huu so aq unn ta taw pw solution nye. hahaa... mybe dye suke aq or not, juz him and Allah may know abot it... ka lahh.. now da kol 3 pagi. err tired LOL, so out dlu. sekian.. macih bace peep.. hehhe wsalam~ :)  

waiting for his dicision...? erkkk

Tuesday 3 April 2012

ape salah aq? hina sngat kot...!!!~

salam peeper, yup nan mood sedey gilew2 ari nie izin kan aq luahkan segalanye yg ade lam hati aq??? huuu~~~

ya Allah... berat btol dugaan kaw...~ humm... yup tepat sehari seblum bfday aq, aq dipermainkn dalam permainan cinta.... ya Allah aq ta kuat.. (~__~...) dripada tadi jew aq asyik nanges, nanges krana dugaan mu ya Allah...........  hurmm kay lar, pew yg gile trbuku lam hati aq iz,,,~ perlu kew aq terlibat skali nan game yg kowang buat.. yup aq jadi mangsa kpade dua owg yg aq syg n percaye sngat2... myra, afie.... perfect you!!! haa sorry not for thiz time, i cn't hide it.... dua insan yg dah lameeee knakan aq... persoalan yg  sakit sngat dalam hati aq...~ kenape kowrang libat kan aq??? knape aq??????????????? dah hampir 2 bulan aq nan ko fie n dah tiga thun aq mengenali kaw tapi kaw~~~, izin kan aq back to memorize...

---> at that momment before we gathered...~
myra: najwa ko kna couple nan ltfie do.. kecian dye... dye da lame suke and berharap kat ko njwa... trima lar lutfie njwa, aq akan hepy gile bile tngok kaw nan lutfie...
aq: ape ko mepek nie der? aq ta sesempurna manusia tok dye yg terlalu sempurna...

lutfie: najwa, afie juz malaz nak bagi taw awal2 bab afie takot cinta afie ditolak.. najwa, afie bole trima najwa lar..
aq: afie, najwa nie pendek then najwa dok jauh.. snggup ke afie brtahan? sggup ke afie dnan awek duk jauh... besa nye owg clash kan najwa smuanya bagi reason bab najwa jauh kat klntan..~
lutfie: ta jadi masalah kot,  afie snggup tggu najwa..  pendek tggi un bukan ukuran.. cinta kan ta knal rupa ( fakta terpesong dari real)...
aq: tapi fie..~ urmm....

*and akhirnya, aq trima gak~
malam time aq clash nan afwan, aq trus coll lutfie bab aq da taw kemane tuju aq... yeah owg yg aq tggu2... hermm tapi tuhh lar~ tiga jam aq s.save just tok bagi dye btol2 memahami aq,.. tpi dalam pkiran dye just *aq sedang meraihh simpati dri nya.. so sebab uhh lar dye trima aq....~

 Muhammad lutfie satu bulan 18 hari aq nan ko, pon terase lame... akhirnya, kowrang leak ur own secret..!!!!!~

that momment, one day before my bufday 03 april, we finished our relation...~
in FACEBOOK home :
myra: Okayy, kat perempuan tu, aku mintak maaf sesangat tak jujur dengan kau dari awal lagi. Kitaorang memang dah couple dulu. Just tak nak sakitkan hati kau tu tak bagi tahu. Aku tahu kau marah gila kat aku, and kau tak kan maafkan aku pun, tu semestinya;). Anywayy aku tak tahu macam mana nak teruskan hubungan aku dengan dia kalau dah jadi macam ni. Maaf sesangat. Kau jangan salahkan dia, aku yang salah. Im so sorry ='(
*myra kaw pompuan paling ta matured bab update cam uh.. and from that aq da dapat agak segala nya kay... ermmm aq pakse gak afie ckap nan aq benda btoi.. berderu air mate aq time uh... sumpah hati aq terlalu sakit wehh..!

lastly aq trima mcg dari kaw kan fie.. ko bagi taw yg reality  yg ko sbenarnye da couple nan myra sebelum couple nan aq lagi.. then ko minta maaf bagai n cakap yg ko couple nan aq sebab kaw KASIHAN kat diri aq.. n bla.. blaa.. bla... fie, aq tabah trima uhh fie.. tapi care kowang dua salah..... terlalu sakit weh. then ko pon trima mcg dai aq kan? scare ringkas nnye, ''clash kan aq muhammad lutfie, aq redho kalo cam uhh ktentuan nye, and aq redho care ngan care kaw....

ape yg sngat2 menyakitkan fie, myra...~

makhluk ape aq nie fie, myra??? yg sesuka hati kaw je sakitkan.. ya tuhan, kaw nmpak aq nie cam pompuan desperate sngat ke??? yang paling sakit!!!!!!!!!!!!! KENAPE kaw suruh aq couple nan LUTFIE, myra... and kaw lutfie, nape kaw trima aq kalo lnsung takde perasaan cinta......... ???ya Allah susah nye naj jelaskan bertape sakit nye hati aq.. nape fie? nape myra? nape ko plih aq??? nape bwu skrang?? nape mesti sehari sebelum bufday aq?? KENAPE wehh??? bagi lar tahu aq knape~..................................

from now i learn, promise are not the way u lie~ takpe, aq redho....~
pliz kowrang aq update nie bkan tok mohon simpati or terdesak bagai tapi aq nak meka pham betape sakit n ta pham aq nan game uhh.. NO FUNCTION.  waste my time LOL :P kay yg mane tokok tambah sikit uhh ta kisa, memg citernye ta jauh beza..... hermm~ muga berbhagia kowang, thats what i always hope (^__^) thankz...! u make me ashame with my ownself...

Sunday 18 March 2012

mane lar najwa tahu hari nie..... hurmm (.__.'')

salam peeper, yup manew lar hari nie aq tahu .... urmmm --->

pagi2 aq angun subuh nan mood epy, sal niat dlam hati dapat ponteng kelaz Bm (pergi ke pKG tok anugerah NILAM)... angun je terus amik wuduk n ade terniat, muga ari nie ari paling baik wat diri aq...ea, i got it... alhamdulillah ari nie smua best, tak payah hadapi kelaz Bm, met old frenz, dapat makan manyak then markah exam aq gempak gak.. haa.. tapi bile balik jew dari skola... huumm??? :'(
sumpah ai nie sedey, ntah lar... aq dapat tex yg mybe ta best tok aq.. aq dah taw pasal uhh lame, tapi tak taw plk bole syes smpai cam uhh skali.. LOL.... kan da ta best.. then time malam aq (now) aq rase cam something agi fag tok aq... SAYANG... where are u???? hemmm ta tex beby unn yunk? lonely without u......

ea, aq taw... nie len ta bukan ade poblem arr nie.... syg. owg taw... smua masalah ite berpunca daripada my ownself.. kejam kan owg? hermm seyesly i seek for ur apologize.. pliz forgive me.. and wanna say, i miss u Muhammad Lutfie... i know, sepanjang ite coup, seyesly bnyak ujian yg cyg wat tok beby kan? i can feel it honey... trust me, i am the loyal one... humm then for sure gak, syg bnyak bengang nan owg kan? owg taw tuhh... but u should understand,... it juz something like ''dugaan'' that we need face together with a huge patient in our heart... hemm k, Fullstop.. moody... >_< sorry kuwrang... daa~ beby tggu tex syg aw.. waiting for u syunk........................................~

sayunk, ermm i ma cried bcouse of choosing someone valaue within u or him.... but now i still with my own dilema that... ''am i right?'' or ''will him love me full of his heart''... and da... ''can i trust him when face abot LOVE?'' arghhhhh all of it just harassing me~  humm.. but deep in my heart i sincerely hope that u can give and i ma waiting ur TRUTH LOVE sayang....................~

Monday 5 March 2012

Si Pendek & Si GemOk

holallala... salam kuurang... hey sumpah lame ta update belog nie.. wahahha... tataw nak wat krangan ape ari nie at blog.. ehhee... juz nak agi taw... aq mula epy kot!!! yup kmi si Pendek dan GemOk, insyallah epy slalu.. AMIN....~ hehehe.... syg, ekau jgn lar mara2 aq sngat.. aq kan budak baru yg lemah.. hehhee....  mencintai ku memg lar take time 1 jam tapi mengenali ku take time slame nya.. hope ekau pham k... majok2 n gedik uhh memg hoby aq.. huhahhah seyesly tade story nye pun.. now aq nga lam situasi exam.. mood pon exam.. juz hope korang wish aq LUCK aje k.. sumpah malaz nak taip.. hee wslam do....  layan gamba nak?? hehehe

ayat2 the beshhh...~ --->
(abot LIFE aje)

( LOVE EMO QUOTE) layan ---->

yeahhh thats all... too tired n quiet bored.. thankz for reading.. lup kuurang <3 bubye n wsalam.. :)

Sunday 19 February 2012

kenape nan ku nie??? hurmmm ?

yup, salam semua... errmmm for title today aq nk cer sal perasaan aq yg berbelah bagi skrg.. humm... yup da lbih kuwang seminggu dye tggal an aq n thatss mean da sminggu aq kpel nan si dia... hurmm cam new nak bgi taw ep.. armm the truth, aq not ready at all tok couple lagi... aq accept unn bab pkir prasaan dye, and mybe akan wat aq forget kt yg dye uhh humm.. skali gus aq harap yg aq bole epy nan dye.. tpi ann.. plz, aq bkn nye sellfish nak gunakan org or ape je lah.. tpi... hummm T__T memg in fact, aq ta bole lupe kan yg dia... memg aq da syg and cinta gile kat dye uhh.. smpai skrg aq ta sngka yg dye snggup tggal an aq? humm aq slalu jew tertanye tnye pew larr kekurangan aq sehingga dye snggup buang aq dai idup dyeee??? tiap2 malam bole dikatakan aq nangis tringat kan dye.. (maaf awak) hermmm setiap benda yg aq wat, semuanye mgingat kan aq kat dye.. yup ~rule abot meggy??? ~solat ta bole lewat..!!! ~suare dye yg bernada nada and evrything larr yg dye buat tok aq.... sumpah, bile aq bersame dye, aq ta ubah seperti seorang istri yg dijge oleh suami... bagai tuan puteri yg slalu dilindungi si raja and bagai juliet yg tenang di smping romeo!!!... humm i mizz him a lot... kalo dlu aq perna bagi taw, yg aq da buat pisang berbuah dua kali  and tak kan adew lagi tok yg ketiga kan??? tpi... kalo bole aq nak bgi dye baaanyak peluang, smpai aq btol2 dapat dyee...  hermmm aq btol2 rindu and perlu dyee........

ea, aq taw.. bile korang bace nie, korang rase aq nie sumpah pompuan hipokrit gilew kan???? pompuan yg ta tau malu??? prasan nak pilih laki yg dye suke.. and macam2 yg bole korang pkir kan??? humm tpi caye lar, aq sunyi, aq hanye boleh ngadu kat cni.. nie larr in fact ape yg ade lam ati aq skrg.. ermmm.. yup aq taw aq mungkin silap bile update yg nie kan???  aq taw mungkin dye akn terase and nie sememg nye akn jejas kan hbungan ite kan??? tpi aq ta perna mksud kan uhh syg.. mybe yg past is past bab ape yg aq nak bagi taw at cni, aq akan mengambil masa yg lame tok mengenalimu, mencintaimu, n setia di sisi mu... seyessly maap...

~ ''awak kna taw nape sy segan sikit nan awak.. n mybe awak lagi larr perasan nape sy ta berape nak lyan awak... nape sy ta perna nak end kan colling kite nan , sayang.. i LOVE you..., humm tular semua sebab2 nye...  pew yg sentiase sy harap.. awak pham and sabar menanti sy.. macam mane awak sabar menanti ex awak yg lamee awak cinta and last awak tetap dpt dye kann?? hummm btol2 maaf aw...".....

buat mase skrg, aq juz nak dye pham yg aq btoi2 ta dapat lupekan si dia seratus pratus.. pliz jgn pkse aq, aq lemahh.. aq takot nan diri aq... aq selalu tenggelam kan diri aq nan takot akan cinta... yup aq memg ta serik.. tpi, knpe mreka ta perna memahami aq and jadi kan aq mgsa cintaaa??? hermmm.. aq, memg malang.  T__T ... buat mse skrg aq juz hope, aq dpat mengenali cinta aq skrg... aq dpat mendalami cinta yg dye bagi.. and aq harap sngat yg dye takan kembali ggu idup aq nan yg dye... hermm... I'M SORRY but I LOVE YOU.... 

Wednesday 15 February 2012

hahahhaha ray!!!!

salam peeper.. yup title today seems like we have da cheer stolly right??? haaa lets check it in... not out k..!!! humm yup finlly, rayyy!!! hahahhahaa whats that silly gurlz??? just read thiz.....-->

yeahh meyhh those people yg prasan, sila jgn nak senyum2 k..!!! trutama si gemok..!! ehhehe..... yup i got him with da big smile? seyesly??? unbelievable but its a fact!!! huuuhaaaahuuuhaaa.... yup memg susa nak suaikan diri psal da lame knal kan gemok?? hehehe tpi still bole kwal.. yup lame2 sayunk larr uhh kan gemok?? hehehhee.. now what? tah lar, post kali nie. sesaje jew.. nk test kehepian aq.. hahahha.. ea raYY!!! tapapenth.. hehehe... yeeee same2 say RAYY!!!??? (motif pliz???) ... ~hahhahah xda xda.. tok suka suki aje... yup... juz hope kekal nan kamu syg... hee........... ahhahaha kemaz post aq yg sumpah mepek nie??? k lar, lallalaa..... btw nk agi taw nie.. we took 14 feb of 2012 as our begin for journey... hahahhaha and we will end till we die.. really syg??? opcoz.. hahhahaha..!!!

p/s : jgn mara gemok coz col u GEMOK..!!!! ahahhaha  kutuk un tanda sayang kan???? ayat sape larrtu.!!! hahahha lup u syg... wsalam... those CAPITAL L...!!!!

Friday 10 February 2012

all about MR CAPITAL ''L''

hye and salam peeper.. yeahh we meet again...!!! hurmm i though u all da bace da past post right, ''aku, engkau dan dye...''... hahha ini continued nya... so thats mean korang interst nan stolly molly abot CAPITAL L is't right??? hahahha yup.. thankz korang... so, ape agi... --->

heartz intro iz : CAPITAL L,  who'is check out on 1995, tried to be smart at High Skul Klang, sweetz tall, chubby and most encem...


thiz iz all about u Capital L,  firstly aq minta maaf sngat if aq da hurt ur heart.. yup, being selfish gurlz iz da bad thing that i had made...!!! ermm kat cni sbenarnye aq juz nak ngaku yg kehadiran  kau, capital L  sngat lar bermakna.. aq btoi2 minta maaf bab pernah jauh ann diri dai ko dlu... hemm yup, i ma fag and fu*k girlz... yeahh meyh 10 february of 2012 is meaningful to me, end with him without him, but began with u is u... (broken sentence)... haa oke lar berjela aq pokpek.. still ta pham.. sbenarnye aq da taruh hati lame unn kat capital L nie.. cume aq juz sedar yg care dye layan aq ta tumpah seolah2 dye ngah lyan adik dye... so, aq juz bole pendam and enjoyed dilayan begitu... (terase diri ku bermakna bab ade owg yg care for me)... so smalam aq da clash nan dye yg btoi2 wat aq buta nan cinta... trus aq col capital L  tok mengadu nasib and luah kan segala galanye... sape lar pham and thu benda yg tersirat di sebalik COLLING tuh kan, include u capital L.... humm dai smalam aq cube nak take him as my new boyfie... tpi aq malu nan diri aq...!!! mybe aq nie ta sedar diri and terserlah sngat Sellfish  aq tuh.. bab aq bru aje nak col dye, and time aq nan mamat dlu.. aq tros ta pedulikan dye... pompuan jeniz ape aq nie??? (sekali agi aq akn gune ayat nie) ~ Aq bagaikan pengemiz buta yg terabe rabe~ ... humm so motif post aq kali nie, aq juz nk bgi taw (kalo dye bace) yg malam tuhh aq col sbenarnye untok aq luah kan kat dye yg aq sayang dye, aq cinta dye and nak dye jadi milik aq seowg aje... maaf lar, aq ta pandai nak luah kat ko, bab aq terase yg diri aq nie btol2 sial and lansung ta bermakne unn.. humm..  T__T  fucking end ~~~

so, itu aje lar dai aq... dgan harapan satu hari nanti aq dpat wat relation betol2 nan capital L  n sincerely hope yg, aq akn terdengar lamaran ko, juga satu hari nanti... aq just bersabar and wait that word out from ur sexy lipz... ''wawa, bole ite capel x??? and bole wawa jadi awek (capital L) ..... yeaa najwa tggu.. w'salam...

aku.. engkau... & dia..

salam peeper.. ermm yup for title today iz about me, him and da him... yup the first him iz all abot capital A and other him iz all abot capital L... humm ta taw nak citer cam ner and seyesly aq malu nan diri aq sendri... terase diri aq nie cam pengemiz buta yg terabe rabe dlam idup... aq da delete abot past post.. terkenang kn engkau si capital A, seyesly wat aq ase nak mati and idup smula (tok mula kan idup baru)... so i had to throw u away.. far from my life.. sorry for capital A  u never be mine... ckup lar, aq da buat buah pisang berbuah dua kali and tak kan ade agi kali yg ketiga... sumpah time uhh aq buta and terlalu terdesak... aq ingat dgan keadaan ko yg dtg alik lam idup aq bole wat aq caye nan CINTA PERTAMA aq... but seyesly aq clap agi.. ko.... hemm memg btoi lar....!!! (mara nie =,,=)... walopape pon... ko dah buat aq TERPERASAN kat seseorang yg aq rase bersalah gilew... tut..tut....tut... teros ke capital L.. seyesly aq minta maaf nan kamu.. aq taw aq nie useless gile.. lnsung ta beharge n ta layak gile idup dlam dunia nie... minta maaf sngat2 selalu mengabaikan perasaan ko kat aq.. yup alasan aq slalu cam nie, ''kalo aq dapt couple nan ko, mybe at that momment aq epy.. tpi bile aq da clash nan ko pas uhh... aq tak kan dapat ase nikmat nye ade teman cam ko lagi, capital L...  humm aq btoi2 minta maaf..., now mybe aq cube rapat nan diri ko, for evrytime aq contact ko kan Capital L  (aq rase ko pon perasan kat smua yg aq wat kan?), tpi aq still malu gilew, aq perlu mengemiz skali agi, and plizz bgi aq peluang tok adew lam idup ko... tpi tu lar!!! i had made A GOLD WITHOUT VALUEABLE ... ermm so now i ma in my own DILEMA... hahahaa...

p/s: sape ase interst kat cite aq nan CAPITAL L, bole teros follow aq kat next post... all of it iz about CAPITAL L... sincerely hope u read thiz, najwa... w'salam.................

Thursday 26 January 2012

sebab dye, smua owang jadi mangsa Najwa....!!!

hye reader.. humm mybe pelik ckit title for thiz night!!! hummm yup its a continue from past status... herrr asal arr nan aq skrg nie??? smua benda jadi ta kna and smua benda yg adew kait nan dye, smua nye aq rase benci n ase nak mara..... hummm adik dye yg cantik nan bek, ZOul, best frenz dye yg rapat nan aq,  Azizul, frenz dye yg slalu caring sal aq n also miyul, kwan rapat dye yg salalu ceria kan aq.. smua uhh aq ase nak lupe kan n nak jauh diri dari deowg.. unfair kan aq nie??? hermm btw im done it to forget him and throw him away from my life.. n so sorry korang.... mybe a little bit im sellfish gurlz but i still love him.. it's not easy to forget da only love that had being in our heartz...!!! aq buntu.. either i got a new one to substitute him.... ermmm how stupid my mind to remind him ever!!! ( fucking sentence).. hahahha  walo unn cam uhh, still ade yg nk simpati nan aq.. so aq juz thanked yg itu.. aq pham korang, cume korang je perlu pham aq.. tpi cubaan yg baek.... ''Insan yg lemah perlu dibantu'' kan??? kan??? hermm thankz lar tok abg Leim (nemo) da nyak agi nasihat... abg adam ( meet at fb) yg cube memahami n dgar citer aq... abg apiz ( si sewel) yg dahh malyan aq smpai terlupa tragiz uhh... Nurul syazana (bdak chumel) yg daa manyak agi advice and najwa taa lupe kat abg MIYUL ( abg cam artiz), yg tlah menemani aq semalaman and sggup dgar aq mrepek tah papew... smua wat aq EPY.. yeahh thankz kurang.... Wsalam....

p/s : maap lar ending dye lansung takde kna mengena nan title.. hehehee.... btw thankz korang >_<

I'm Sorry, had to say GoodbyE...

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Dye... ermm dah taknak NAjwa laaagi....

 salam peeper..!!! urmm for title today iz abot dye, Nur Irfan Syazwan... okey dye da tanak aq lagi.. n lansung ta perlukan aq lagi.... yup, 25 January of 2012 ite break... cepat btol kan??? ite owg kpel ta smpai setahun... bru jew nk msuk half of year.. yup cam besa... sape ta sedih tok smua uhh!!! evryone sedey bile di clash kan... tapi aq... humm memag arr sedey.. siap nan nangiz2 n merayu rayu... tapi aq cam dah biasa lalui smua nie... btw aq unn da bole agak benda nie akn jadi bab ade yg baru masuk, yg lame mesti pergi..!!! hermm T__T...  okey aq ta taw nak bgi taw ape sngat.. mybe hati aq da ancur gile.. tataw yg dia jeniz cam uhh... kate nye nak break bab exam SPM... aq hormat uhh. but disebalik nye aq pham.. yg dye dah nek busan nan aq n mula suke kat yg lain...  urmm ase tade mood tok semua nie an.. but tu lah... aq redha nan takdir.

---> irfan, mekacih aw da jge najwa slame ite couple... najwa minta irfan halal kn segala yg najwa da buat... najwa hormat kputusan irfan n mybe u had ur own reason... ermm either najwa still syg kan irfan ermm najwa tetap kna lepaz kn irfan.. smua kenangan  ite akn kekal lam hati najwa... najwa wish irfan berjaye lam idup and epy slalu... maaf kn najwa if i hurt ur heartz.. missing u, Laili Najwa Md Noor... Wsalam.

                                                                                                        11 September 11 ---> 25 January 12

Friday 20 January 2012

aaaawak....... dyeeee....!!! hummm???

  salammm cemua!!! urm tiltle ari nie nk stolly sal dye...!!!!! ape mean aawakk uhh.. ~itu aq pggil korang lar dumdum.. hehehhe wat2 pham sudaa..!!! btw ai nie nk story sal dye, my superb boy... humm dye kan... err mkin lame da makin jauhh dari aq.. aq taw mybe bab taun nie  dye spm, so need to struggle in study but dye kna arr pham aq gak.. nie tak, bile dah free mcg nan aq cam uhh jew.. huu... k aq citer ckit lar sal iteowg.. ONce upon a time (cehh ngade sakan) ... aq ta contact nan  dye lam 2 minggu sal dyeda start dok asrama.. time uhh aq rase sunyi gilew n slalu ajew ingat ingat kan si dye... oke nak dijadikan drama, satu hari uhh dye adew tex aq.. yup my first mcg from him for new year time, mcg yg sngat sangat aq nantikan... so aq nan riang nye bkk mcg cepat (takot dye tertuggu tggu..) but korang nak taw ape aq dapt dari dye???? hummm nie je ''hi, please col me back'' ... waduhh kejam btoi.. aq sabar je tapi still aq syg agi an.. so cpat cpat arr aq col dye (takot dye tertggu tggu lagi skali) and.. korang nk taw ape aq bual kan??? humm yup, ucapan yg aq tggu, tggu slame nie tak unn muncul, muncul..... dye lansung tade cakap, ''bie... i lup u'', ''bie..i mizz u'', or pape je lahh, something romance n sweet.. tapi tuhh ar... prbualan ite juz habiz nan benda yg tade pedah!!! korang.. hati aq hancor and sedey gilew.... humm tapi bab pikir dye pakwe aq... aq still trima uhh..!!! and till skrang aq ta dgar lagi that magic word ''Beby, i lup u so much'' huuum.. T__T ... btw law dye bace nie.. aq nak ambik pluang and say something here that.....   ~ sayunk... beby terlalu rindu and cayunk.. tiap kali bby nak tito, sayunk orang pertame yg beby bayang kan.. beby ta kan lupe smua date yg ite dah lalui same2... best sngat time uh!!! tapi now, syg da mule bruba.. beby prasan uhh!!! and beby taw, syg sendiri un prasan nan prubhan syg kan... btw beby nak bagi taw nie... hemmm walo pon manyak kali syg da minta tok beby lepaz kan syg bab syg rase beby da jemu nan diri syg... syg salah..!!! beby ta pernah jemu n slalu epy either syg just say ''hye'' kat beby!!!! hemm... cam new busan nye beby kat syg.. or syg da wat beby benci sngt kat syg... syunk pegang jnji nie aww, yang.... beby ta akan pernah lepas kan syg!!!!! syg pham beby k.....!!!!! ``` okey2 larr korang.. tu serba sdikit drama tgah hari k..... thankz bace n troskan memollow kan diri k!!! cyunk korang, wsalam.....
sayunk.!!!! beby.... hummm    >_<

Monday 16 January 2012

sEmUAnyA bArU......!!!!!

ellow peeper!!!!! btw, salam.. hummm kowang for title today iz all abot.. err...!! apew ehh.. haaa semuanya baru kan?? yup, life baru, form baru, muka unn baru... nseb bek kekasih lame ckit!! ahahaha ( kekasih uhh dye lar baru, dan dye lar lame) huhuhu..!!! oke, btw aq nga dok sesaje jew nie.. saje2 update, ngade2 taik kuda larr kejap..!!! ahhaha.. hemm ape ea.. yup tok secondry skul nie, mybe manyak menda baru kan... so need a strength to face all of thiz.... azam aq nk jadi yg terbaik among the best!!! humm insyallah capai.. okey, arie nie modal abiz... so point xde sangt... ntah papew arr aq mepek!! hummm..... yup skola bejalan cam besa larr awop but now mybe lbihh matured lar skit.. daa budak remaje larr katekan.. ahhahahah!!! bangge cam bangang jew...~ then, aq ta larr hot agi kat skola.... ea arr disebbkn semua baru kat skola, ramai ta knal aq daa... haahaahha... so be simple dumdum..!!! hhuhuhuhu btw senior taun nie ta ramai encem!! wekk :p benci gilew ( gedik tahap ayam) ... aperghh btw pe2 hal kalo nasib the best nk pinda skola k, nk dop asrama tok independence my ownself!!! ahhah so camm uhh jew lar, for the new year, wish a new thing, be the perfect one ( ayat keling) oke papai semua.. wsalam.......... (ketinggalan cikit) maap... >__<

Saturday 14 January 2012

all abOt ''THEM''

 yooo wikie2... by the way, salam cemua.. yup for title uhh aq nk stoly molly abot  MY DREAMING BOYFRENZ  yg di remixkan dgan abang2 angkat aq yg x diangkat and meka yg best..!!!! cehh macam lagu meyhh!! hahahha.. btw aq nk bgi taw kalo bole aq nk bf aq perfect n ade smua cam deowg nie!!! lets check it out ----->

aq nk seowng yg GENTLE punye mate m'goda n pling penting tngok dye unn pon nmpak cam perghh!!!! MACHO sehhh..cam pic at sbelah uhh ... okey just col dye khaidir... yup dgn macho nye kan adew awek chantik at sbelahh uhh!!! name awek uhh ira merlis. itu lar kuasa macho.. by the way thiz iz my abg angkat yg tlong aq lam plajaran kat skola.. so slalu meet but now dye da abiz spm. so i juz wish him luck!!!! btw first ciri2 iz MACHO....

okey then kalo bole aq nk yg seSEMPOI  yg bole.... macam mamat sebelahh uhh iz my abg angkat yg otak nye x sangka sama sewel nan aq...!!! huahahaha... u all can col him, abg APIZ... hahahha he iz cweet SPORTING.... hahahah kalo bab2 sosial aq mesti tnye at dye.. memg terbaik ahh dye.. btw dlam ksempatan ini aq nak ucap kan ''abang.. Ko utang aq lagi k''..... ehhehheh so ape yg aq cari sesanagt iz SEMPOI or SPORTING.....

okey ite masok ke bab ite, eheheheh ngade2 taik kuda arr aq nie.. hee terkena sewel abg apiz arr uhh!! oke bact to stolly aq nk bf aq uhh CHUBBY...or kiut miut cam mamat sbelah uhh.. his name iz abg ADiB AkiM... dye abg angkat aq yg CHOMEL... btw kami da lost contact.. mybe bab dye uhh hot!! ahahhaa...mamat nie ann terer gile lam study aw,,, lagi2 bhasa engriss!!! aperggghhh memg tabik arr... okey pe yg important nye, aq cari bf yg CHOMEL....

hahah korang dahh jemu ke??? sabar la... tggu sampai last k!! wuukie dokie... my dreaming bf mesty ade sifat cam nie... it izzz...... errr  MANJE.... sumpah aq ckap abg yg kat sbelahh uhh ade suare yg mannnje sngt2..!!! n dye baik n care layan uhh memg MENGGODA lar... btw name nye solihin.. can col him leim.. ato name samaran domo (aq je yg pggil cam uhh)... abg nie pling suke ngan domo kun.. sweet kan?? haaa.... syunk abg leim....... so ape yg dicari oleh aq iz MANJE...

okey lar.. next.. my dreaming bf should have thiz, CARING... as soon as possible watak yg sejajar nan blog aq iz MUHaMMad LUTfIe... mamat nie memag wa kate lu!!!! caring gile sehh... mrangkap TWIN tersyg and a.k.a syg nom 2...!!! perghh care dye lyan len mcam beb!! sumpahh untong sape dpat dye doi!!! huuu.... sape nk taw lbih lnjot sal dye bole rujuk kat post aq yg lepas2 k... hummm so pew yg di idam kan iz CARING....

and the last one what i want izz pandai MERAJOK and pandai nk PUJUK....!!! khas aq tujukan kpada MoHamEd MIrZa.. my ex boy frenz a long time ago..!! ahhah but aq still contact dye... ohh yup cam lam pic sbelahh.. dye bf aq yg pling ensem pernah aq miliki.. tpi jgn isau bf len pon encem gak..!!! n mija nie memg lar, kalo dye pujuk kite bkan main slow agi dye ckp, siap adew background lagu agi ahh!! hehehe.. sweet x der??? huuhuhu.... so juz mizz him n lup as fren aw mija.. btw what iz important izz pandai MERAJOK and MEMUJOK....

so conclusion iz... i need someone that, MACHO like abg KHAIDIR.... SPORTING like abg APIZ... CHOMEL like abg ADIB... MANJE like abg DOMO .... CARING like my twin LUTFIE.... and da last one izzz pandai MERAJOK and MEMUJOK like my ex MIRZA......!!!! but korang perlu taw nie... kalo boleh, boleh and boleh... aq nk bf aq sebijik fizikal and mental nye cam idola aq nie.....

my own abg kandung AHMAD ZUL KAHIRI BIN MD NOOR... i want a guy like him.. for all perfect... sweet romance, kind, clever, chubby, sporting n so on.....!!!! hahahhaaa..... thats what i hope.. but dont forget i still glad to ALLAH... for give me, my cweat dreaming boy...... he izz... --->

haaa,,, that guy, NUR IRFAN SYAZWAN.... not bad, cweet, simple n all i need....!!!~ yg bju itam kaler aw, bkn putih.. yg sbelahh uhh zoul, best frenz dye... sape nk berbesan nan aq lehh ar cari zoul kat fb!!!! niee haa http://www.facebook.com/zoulhelmyz.... okie itu aje... daa last one cam besa...!!!! bubye.... <3 da only him...